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Friday, March 27, 2015

Baking With Kids

When I became a mom I was most excited to bake with the boys. I had this picturesqu idea of what it would be like making cookies and cakes. I thought we would laugh and have a "non-messy" flour fight. You know, we would all have our matching aprons on and we would make these big beautiful cookies. Can you see us? Super cute right?
Back to reality- I have tried baking with the boys many many many times. I have tried giving them easy - to more complex tasks. No matter what without fail the kitchen is a disaster, salt is mistaken for sugar and the cookies are either under baked or over done. I know moms who have told me "that's the good the stuff, those are the memories..." blah blah blah. I kept trying...I see you Pintrest Moms,  I see you...so I kept trying, left with a huge mess and children who really only want to eat the finished product. Then a miracle happened. My wonderful and amazing husband took us to a hotel in the city for  night "out of town." At this particular hotel they are extremely accommodating to families and especially children. They have movies on a projector every night. A game room where children can play or color. But this is what really got me- on holidays they have baked sugar cookies in different shapes on a table and they fill ziplock bags with all different colored icings. There are jimmies or candies to decorate with or you can just gobble up the scrumptious plain cookies! They nailed it! That is exactly what MY children would love! I bake the cookies and all they have to do is decorate them! BRILLIANT! The mess is minimal. Actually they even make edible markers now--they sell them in Michaels arts and crafts. I use a cookie cutter every day when I pack the boys sandwiches (because they do not like crust so a big cookie cutter totally gets rid of crust and the sandwich is in a fun shape!)
So for tonights fun Easter inspired dessert I pre - made the sugar cookies in the shapes of carrots and bunnies after I dropped them off at school. I will let them squeeze a few drops of food coloring in the pre-made white icing I whipped up this am. Done and Fun!    


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