School is Out foooorrrr
My boys think they will be doing ^....When in reality they will be practicing their A, B, C's.
My fear - the boys will loose all information taught to them over the past school year.
My goal- to help retain knowledge!
Que this beauty below. This week begins "summer school." I whipped up
my simple handy dandy fortune teller. I am going to write letters on the outside then the sound in a word in the inside. We will practice identifying and saying the letter sounds.B
I am also making a vowels fortune teller to do the same thing...
Here are my photos. How to make a simple fortune teller.
1. Take a square piece of paper.
2. Fold diagonal.
3. Unfold.
4. Fold Opposite Diagonal.

5. Unfold.
6. Fold in Half.

7. Unfold.
8. Now- Take the corner of the paper and fold in towards center. Fold all corners in towards center.
9. Turn Square Over. Take a Breath. Admire.
10. Now Fold all four of these corners in towards center.
11. Fold in Half.
11.5 Same step different view. Fold In Half.
12. Fold down in half to make a small square.
12.5 Square. Small Square.
13. Wiggle your Fingers Upward.
14. Open.
15. Close.
16. Open.
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