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Tuesday, February 24, 2015

To Clean or Not to Clean?

Do you clean - up before bed?
I honestly never asked myself this question before we had children. I mean seriously what did Michael and I have to clean up, throw some empty wine or beer bottles in the recycling? Put the 2 dirty dinner dishes in the dishwasher? Those are both extremely- natural life clean -ups. Now however, there are about 10 dirty dishes, bins of toys over turned, spilled snack bags, and old water bottles everywhere.
I have to say we do usually straighten up the toys before we go to bed. It is so exhausting to find that last burst of energy at the end of a long day to clean, but we do it. We clean because waking up to an existing mess is worse for me; I need to start each day bright and fresh. I like to start off a new day with the best set up, set up for success. Also I find that the boys will sit and play a little while longer when all the pieces are in the right bins.
This all brings us to last night... Last night we didn't clean up. Last night we had a cocktail instead... now today I'm already off to a "meh" start....slow to rise, slow to finish this post, slow to life...
Here is our daily mess! Hope you are all having a better morning so far than me.

Can you find the left over pretzels mixed in with the lego mania? Its the first thing my eyes go towards and I cringe! Who doesn't set up a five person sleeper tent (inside) during the winter? 

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