Today is a new day... I figured if I actually publish an outline for what I would like to accomplish today, maybe I will.
I also just finished reading Oprah's new book "What I know for sure" so I have this new found energy to seize the day. I can not encourage you enough to read this book. It offers a sense of peace...
What I Know For Sure
`Make Coffee
`Put on I-tunes top 50 country songs
`Get Dressed in real clothes (not just my new favorite leggings) high times
`Big Adventure- Wegmans
- We need a full grocery order... daunting to some, but to me it just sounds like Hard Work. The Twins are getting to big for the car cart attachment and my youngest son Jack sits in the front, so attempting to go up and down every aisle in the grocery store with (almost) 4 year old twins and a 17 month old screaming to get out and walk with his big brothers--- it just seems HARD! But, I know myself it will get done.
`Unload groceries with out opening the back trunk hatch and having the water jugs fall onto the driveway and split open... every time, every single time.
`Email teacher about up -coming birthday book reading for twins
`Email Oprah and tell her how much I loved her book
`Begin set design for We're Going on a Bear Hunt
`Make dinner
`Clean/ Straighten up house before husband gets home to make life look effortless and seamless
-wink face emoji
`Try to not eat the remaining chocolate in the house ...stay tuned......
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