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A warm hello to all my readers. I am a mom of three amazing boys and a wife to a loving husband. I hope you enjoy this blog as a way to get new ideas for gifts, recipes, activities, and everything else in between.

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Thursday, May 28, 2015

Best Way to Blog

I don't know if you all realized or know this but sometimes Michael proofs my posts (typically after I have hit publish). I will be the first to admit that the English language, grammar, punctuation, diction, or spelling are none of my strong suits. However, I can rock a white pants suit like nobodies business.  (bah dum ching!). I just want to throw this out for the record. I usually misuse to and too. I am aware of this misprint. Michael has informed me of the to vs too rule of thumb. I make no promises of me correcting it.
Anyway, the other day I wrote something and I said to Michael, "I'm worried about my ... usage. I use them a lot. You know how much I love polka dots."
He responded with ease. He didn't hesitate when he said, "It's okay. You are basically typing a journal." In that instant I was transported back to when I first started this blog and I asked him for advice he said, "just make sure you put a lot of links in it. People like links."
My response was simple, "Totally. I love links."
But I now I find myself wanting to do more than just links to my favorite things and current craft projects. Right now I kinda just want to type some feelings and thoughts and get them out there. I find it therapeutic. So for me, this blog is a Manzi'd From Scratch thing. I am going to make it up as I go, from scratch. Some posts will be like a journal entry and some posts will be glitz. That is just my kind of crazy.
Right now all I keep thinking about are girlfriends. I am a girls girl. I always have been. I think it is because I like pink and things that sparkle. So does my grandmother. She always wore hot pink lipstick. My grandfather and I would take her to "unemployment" and she would wait in a line and I would watch her. I would call her hot pink lipstick her "Unemployment Lipstick." (Just said a mouthful with that one.)
 I digress, girlfriends. I have them and I love them. But you know what I miss? I miss being right near them all the time. I went to an all girls high school so we would see each other from 8:00am until 3:00pm plus after school activities. In college you live with your best girlfriends or you are a stones throw away. I miss those walks to your friends house with that red solo cup filled to the brim with Franzia. Even after college when everyone moves out, moves to the city and the party continues. I have these moments when I am driving or folding laundry when I remember one of my girls and I smile or physically laugh out loud. The other day I have no idea what I was doing but I pictured one of my friends putting on her bronzer. She makes the most ridiculous faces in the mirror to make sure it's covering her entire face. I just started laughing.
Sometimes when I have these memories my heart aches. It aches because some of you I haven't seen in years...I miss you. I think of warm smiles and contagious laughs, wild beautiful hair-do's, early bird dinners, earrings, getting splashed by septa buses in D.C. and my heart misses those days.
It's hard to make friends as an adult. I can't just stop at someones house because of my kids schedules -- their kids schedules. But I want to. I want to just throw the kids in the car, grab a bottle of red, and dixie cups and be at a girlfriends house. Paint that Norman Rockwell.
You see I feel a little better. Therapeutic. Now lets look at some links (other than the beauties that were in the journal portion).

Solid Gold Dancer Swim

My cousin just got engaged following a bike trip from Pittsburg to D.C. so I found this on Etsy.com and just loved it. They also have a cat. Engagement Gift

I feel like Mike Needs This

Knot It and I am OBSESSED with this. I miss those old Saved By the Bell looks.

Love this look...Fresh is Fresh

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